Sep 30, 2009

A new Etsy shop to watch and blog to read!
SHOP: Faded Prairie

goats will def. be on the guest list

I'm what seems like light years away from ever finding a marriable guy, but when I do ... it's going to be a barn wedding baby!

Sep 23, 2009

I'm not usually one to toot my own horn as I just get too dang bashful - but I wanted to share this video.
I was selected as a finalist in the Big Top Chautauqua 2nd Annual Songwriting competition. I just had a blast. The venue is one of a kind, the people were uber friendly and nice ... they've made a life long fan of me. Oh and I love the Blue Canvas Orchestra yes sir I do!

one of the winners of the contest was Heather Styka ... her song was so touching.
She played and crickets were chirping. it couldn't have been a more perfect setting for her Bayfield coming out!

one skate two skate red skate blue skate

Sep 18, 2009

A new follower to the CEC blog ... weeeee
She's got some great art - check it out.
I'm loving this....

Sep 15, 2009

I'm such a fan of this

Vintage Etsy Pick

I'm kind of into patches right now.

I'm not ashamed to say ... I watch the Hills.

A lot of people will state the trendy fact that they don't have a television and drive off in their saab with a kill your tv bumper sticker on the back.
Good for them.
I'm here to state that I am 110% in love with my telelvision. It is one of my best buddies ... making me laugh, making me cry, keeping me up to date, sharing historical facts, and always being there when I need it. What more could someone want from a friend.

I love you tv!